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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler

Parents and carers as partners:

We hold parents and carers in the highest regard, they are after all our children's first teachers, as a result throughout a child's time at Rillington we strive to build positive, supporting relationships with all our parents and carers. We have an open door policy, this enables parents and carers to meet/chat regularly with our staff, we find this strengthens the bond between home and school.

In order for parents to be knowledgeable about how and what their children are learning we offer a range of events, such as parents in class days and workshops throughout the year, termly reports and parent/carer conversations.

Parents and carers who have children with additional needs are invited into school on a termly basis to discuss their child's barriers to learning and how these are being supported in school, as well as discussing the progress that is being made or seen. At Rillington we also hold half termly drop in meetings with our SENCo (Mrs Robertson) and SEND link (Mrs Stabler), these meetings provide parents and carers with an opportunity to meet others, discuss children's needs and receive support and advice, we also signpost to relevant services where required.

Parents and carers are also able to stay up to date through our regular use of class dojo.


Parents in school:

Celebrating religions from around the world:

We regularly invite parents and carers into school to celebrate different religious events across the calendar, these have included World Religion Day, Diwali, Passover, Christingle.



At Christmas time we enjoy welcoming parents and carers into school to celebrate Christmas at Rillington. This includes our Christmas fair, Christmas art competitions, Christmas productions, Christmas service as well as joining in crafts to celebrate Christmas around the world.



School celebrations:

Each week we invite parents and carers into school of those children who have achieved one of our values certificates, these are presented in our Well done Wednesday assemblies. Parents and carers are also invited into school for termly conversations and celebration events of children's learning, these enable teachers to share strengths and areas that would benefit from support from home for each child. 


Special year 6 events:

Parents and carers are able to spend time with their child and staff at Rillington Primary School in a range of special events, these include a leaver's production, a celebration assembly of children's time at Rillington, a BBQ and rounders match.



Parents and carers work with the school to organise, run and attend special events used for fundraising for charities such as the Red Cross (Conflict in the Ukraine), Macmillan (Coffee Morning for cancer charity), Fairtrade (cafe) as well as fundraising for school funds - Christmas and Summer fairs, colour run. 


Community celebrations:

Parents and carers also attend community celebrations hosted by the school for the village and surrounding areas, such as the Jubilee event.



In order for our parent and carers to support with children's learning at home, we host annual workshops across school - phonics, reading and maths. These are well attended by our parents and carers. We also hold special learning days such as safer internet day when parents and carers can learn more information about how to keep their children safe online.


Home learning:

As part of our home and school partnership we encourage families to create projects supporting children's learning in school, these have included making shields when learning about ancient warfare, constellations and rockets when learning about space and representing learning about the body in different ways when learning about digestion, respiration and the skeleton in science.