Connecting to the text type
Connecting to the text through background knowledge on the topic of writing, whole class reading, WAGOLL, feature spotting, understanding relevant vocabulary.
Background knowledge: What do the children already know about the topic? Do they know anything which is similar? e.g. Mufaro’s Beautiful daughter is similar to Cinderella. Do they have experience of the topic firsthand?
Whole class reading: Read for reference, research or to enhance knowledge and vocabulary, e.g. if learning about space then we use space reference pages for whole class reading.
WAGOLL: A good example of the text type children are writing, ensuring that it has all relevant features.
Feature spotting: Highlight features of the text type against the WAGOLL, use as a checklist throughout the writing journey, children to refer to once they create their final editions before publishing.
Understanding relevant vocabulary: Highlight through the WAGOLL unfamiliar vocabulary that needs explaining, to understand, children find out definitions of unfamiliar words or read in context. Add relevant vocabulary to the working wall.
Learning environment expectations:
3 c’s journey is evident for current learning and used as a working wall
Reference books are on display for children to access to further background knowledge
Writing books are available under the learning journey to cross reference against
Book expectations:
Connect approach can clearly be identified within the writing journey
Evidence of a WAGOLL and feature spotting
Relevant vocabulary recorded along with definitions and sample sentences.