Our vision:
Our vision is to develop educational excellence within our community, a place where children feel happy, safe, nurtured and valued. We aim to deliver high-quality, inclusive and innovative teaching and learning.
'Every child matters, every moment counts'.
Our values:
Values are the principles that drive our thinking and behaviour. They influence our actions and attitudes, and guide us through life in all that we do. They influence our relationship with ourselves and others. We decided that the following values are the most important to us and they are embedded in all we do at Rillington Primary School.
Inclusive - be inclusive of all, regardless of gender, ability, race, needs, background.
Respect - be respectful of themselves, each other, adults, visitors, the school building and our local community.
Enthusiasm - be enthusiastic for learning, for school, for a range of educational experiences.
Safe - be safe both physically and mentally in our school environment.
Pride - be proud of who we are, where we have come from and what we can be.
Encourage - be encouraged to try new experiences, build upon their existing skills or to update their knowledge.
Curiosity - be curious about learning and our place in the world around us.
Thrive - be able to learn, talk and understand about emotions and feelings so they can self-regulate/thrive, ensuring they are learning ready.