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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler

Rillington's curriculum 

Our intention:

A well sequenced and progressive curriculum, which takes into account Rillington’s locality. Our curriculum builds on the strengths of our geographical and historical context, whilst ensuring our children have opportunities to develop into respectful, globally aware citizens.

Overview of Rillington's curriculum:

KS1 and KS2 curriculum cycle:

Due to our school having mixed classes, we deliver our curriculum offer through a two year programme in KS1 and EYFS, and a four year programme for KS2. in some subjects. 

Curriculum overview - 4 year cycle and 2 year cycle

Long term planning for year groups 2023-2024:

The links below will take you to the long term plans for Cycle A (1st year of the cycle) outlining the coverage for that year.  Cycle B, C and D will be added when we move into the next academic year.

Year 1 and 2 2023-2024

Year 3 2023-2024

Year 4 2023-2024

Year 5 2023-2024

Year 6 2023-2024


To find out more about our curriculum please contact either Mrs Stabler (Headteacher) or Mrs Walley (Curriculum lead) via the school admin email -