Multiplication Check for Year 4
Information for Year 4 parents:
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
You may be aware that Year 4 complete a Multiplication Tables Check in June, this is part of a statutory assessment for all year 4 pupils across the country.
The checks consist of 25 questions. The questions go up to 12×12 and they have 5 seconds to answer each question.
The results of the test are not published publicly. There is no pass or fail, there is just a score out of 25 marks.
They will have had opportunities to practise with the official portal that will be used on the day, this will ensure children feel prepared for the assessment.
Further information about the check can be found here:
Information for parents: multiplication tables check (
What is the purpose of the check?
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
How can you help?
Times Tables Rock Stars:
Every child at Rillington from Year 1 – 6 is given a TT Rock Stars login for their own personal account. TT Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children master their multiplication tables in an enjoyable and engaging way. Children are encouraged to access this for at least 5-minutes every day, either at home or during their time in school when opportunities are provided by their class teacher. Being competent, confident, and accurate with multiplication tables is vitally important for children and regular practice is important in achieving this. Our children work hard to ‘get on the wall’.
The children should be ‘jamming’ any times tables that are red on their heat maps in TTRockstars. Jamming allows the children to focus on one set of tables to become fluent at the ones that they are finding harder. The heat map goes green if the children know the answer and are answering under 6 seconds.
Other ways to practise is to write out their times tables in order, say the answers in order (so count in that number) forwards and backwards, then mix up their tables in any order.
If you have a questions or would like any help in how you can further support your child, please get in touch.